Why Hire a Consultant?

Why Hire a Consultant?

In this age of annual budgetary belt-tightening, schools and districts sometimes wrestle with whether they can consider using funds for consulting expertise. After all, everything can be Googled these days, so why hire a consultant? There are many answers:

Fresh Perspective

If your organization has been doing it this way forever, it’s probably time for a change. Have you had a chance to research the best practices and industry standards? Have you kept up-to-date with what your peers are doing in the same area? Have you tested the latest technology that can retool your process? If not, then a consulting firm can bring value to your organization – we can bring you the fresh perspective and new ideas you need to improve.

More Brainpower

You hired the best, but they are busy on many fronts. Schools and districts have talented people, but there are rarely enough of them. Your people don’t have the extra time needed to research how things might be done better and you can’t afford to add to the permanent payroll. That’s when hiring the best and brightest consultants make sense – we can bring to you the additional brainpower you need to get you to the next level.

External Motivation

Sometimes we need a reason to power through the change process. It can be hard to lead an organization in a new direction without a push. A consulting firm can provide that motivation, whether by quantifying how far short of “great” your organization is or by developing the accountability mechanisms you need to put your organization on the path toward a better day.

External Validation

Having difficulty explaining your progress to stakeholders? Having trouble getting them to believe that things are better than they think? Validation from an external source is always a good idea with stakeholders. We can provide you with an honest assessment of your organization, which includes pointing out what’s working really well already.

Reality Check

Does your organization make plans based on what they hope might happen? Are your plans gathering dust while your organization flounders? Research shows that only 10% of organizations execute their strategic plans, in part because 60% of them do not understand their resource barriers, particularly their budget constraints. Good consultants help you keep it real so you can actually achieve your goals. We can help you be part of the 10% that successfully works their plan – let us show you.

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112 South Tryon Street, Suite 1170
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 438-9929 ext. 2