About Prismatic

01. About Us

Working in a school district, charter school, or grant-funded program, money is always tight. You need high-quality services at the lowest possible price. That’s why Prismatic Services is designed to be different. We don’t maintain a fancy office. We don’t fly first class. We don’t hire people to sit around waiting for work.

02. Our Mission

Our mission is to support positive change in preK-12 organizations by providing information, insight, and actionable ideas. In all our efforts, we remember the most important customer—students.

03. Our Teams

Our teams adhere to the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards required by Project Management International (PMI). This includes a commitment to doing what is right and honorable, with specific aspirational and mandatory conduct required in the four foundational values of responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty.

Our Work

All of our projects incorporate four pillars


Our firm is guided by best practices in project management and program evaluation.

Leading Edge Tools

We leverage technology, solid research, and effective team work to meet the needs of our clients. We bring an extensive tool kit to each project.

Personalized Service

Good consulting requires really getting to know each client.

Low Overhead

We want to be the best consulting firm, not the biggest consulting firm. You won’t find overhead bloat here.

Proven Success

Where We’ve Helped

We have worked with more than 200 school districts and education agencies across the country. Our clients have ranged from 700,000 in student enrollment to just 109. We’ve travelled via bush plane in Alaska, eaten gas station pizza in Oklahoma, and survived mudslides in Colorado, all for our clients.

Prismatic's Values

Prismatic Services is certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women.

We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today and we can add diversity to your supply chain.

Get In Touch

112 South Tryon Street, Suite 1170
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 438-9929 ext. 2