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Mid Del to close two schools, leaving parents upset
OKLAHOMA CITY — The Mid Del School District will be closing two schools, which has left parents upset.
The parents have a list of questions for the local school district after their decision to close the elementary schools. Both Steed and Highland Park Elementary Schools in the Mid Del School District are seeing their final school year.
Some parents wish that they had more of a say in the decision.
“I’m disappointed in the school district that they don’t have everything worked out and that they are shutting down a very valuable school to this community,” said Juanita Creasey, one of the parents.
The district told KOCO 5 that the doors will be closing for good at the end of the school year after an audit suggested the move would make the most sense.
“I wanted my daughter to experience the schools like my sons were able to do and just upset, disappointed that she’s not going to be able to experience the school the way they did,” Creasey said.
As for the students and staff, they will be relocated to other schools in the district.
“Highland Park has been on the closure list for a long time and this was the perfect opportunity for it to happen and it’s sad. It’s sad for this area,” said Mistie Adair, another parent.
The district will have a meeting on Wednesday that will start the process of sorting out redistricting and other specifics.
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